Student Life

Our Student Life offerings are an integral piece of the educational and relational experience at Hyde Park Schools.

Beyond The Classroom

Hyde Park Schools recognizes students are individuals with varying needs, passions, and talents that need to be honed, developed, and championed. Hyde Park actively develops various opportunities for students to grow throughout their years with us. This reality is woven into weekly chapels, student organizations, involvement in the Fine Arts, leadership opportunities, GOWEEK, and multiple other additional and intentional avenues. Every experience is crafted to meet students wherever they are in their Hyde Park journey and to encourage them to grow individually as a person and collectively as a community.

Ultimately, Student Life at Hyde Park offers thoughtful, intentional programming, always willing to adapt to our changing students and parents with the goal of presenting the gospel and the development of spiritual disciplines. Equipping both students individually and families to explore the reality of what a life lived for Jesus looks like.

Fine Arts

Starting at the Lower School, all Hyde Park students have an opportunity to explore their talents and discover their curiosity through our various Fine Arts programs.

Community Service

Hyde Park's Day of Service and GOWEEK allow students to serve approximately 45 hours per school year. Students are able to record these community service hours towards the Distinguished Community Service distinction at graduation and can utilize these hours toward various service organizations, including the President's Volunteer Service Award.  You can find additional information and details about each of these service opportunities below.


Our counselors nurture relationships with students, supporting their academic and emotional/social journey of growth during their time at Hyde Park Schools and beyond.


Our clubs and activities offer students an opportunity to build necessary life skills and allows them to get to know students and faculty members on a deeper level.

Field Trips & Retreats

Each year, our students get a chance to get away and enjoy building relationships with classmates and teachers, team-building activities, and being in God’s creation! Retreats begin in Middle School while field trips begin in the Lower School.

Life as a Panther

Student Life Leadership

Marcia Turner
Student Life Coordinator
Upper School
Shanna Wright
Student Life Coordinator
Lower School
Travis Stanford
Student Life Coordinator
Middle School